Saturday, July 03, 2010

What goes in, must come out.

I have been pondering on a theory in the last couple of weeks intermittently.

It is MY theory that I do not retain stuff well.

Evidence 1: After my first meal, be it breakfast or lunch or brunch, it would "activate" my bowels almost immediately after I complete the meal. Without fail.

Evidence 2: I can't drink more than a glass of liquid without wanting to go pee soon after. This is one reason why as much as I like sitting at a coffee place for hours, I often can't last more than 2 hours. Cos I need to pee.

Evidence 3: Have you seen me?

So. while others have a problem IN water retention, I have a problem OF water retention. Or any kind of retention, less waste materials, for that matter.

I suppose, as long as healthwise, it's all fine, then I should have nothing to complain about. So I thank God for giving me good health!

And in the meantime, I'll just have the system.

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