Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My First London Post: Observations

Hello from chilly, not quite gloomy (yet), sometime-windy London!

I got to do this quick, cos although I've been here for *counts* about 5 days, today being the 6th, I've still got quite a lot of things to do before I am REEEALLY settled into things. And also, I got to be in school in about an hour for an orientation talk.

School is LSE. Yes...no need to say more. *grin*

The weather is now in the tens, i.e. 10, 11, 12, 13...17. Today, apparently, would be between 11 and 18. That is not cold. At all. I generally just wear a tank-top, a sweater-ish top, and a coat with jeans or pants. It's toasty like that.

I'm loving a lot of things about London, as I always have. BUT...there is one thing I have observed that I'm not too keen about.

The air, my friends, is very dirty. Like smoke, soot, dirty particles...eeks. It makes my booger really, really...black. Yuck, right?

Okay, I will do another post about the food soon. I have tons to talk about with regard to food.

Signing off!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodbye Sunny-and-nowadays-flashflooded SG!

So the day is almost here. And by almost, I mean, just tomorrow. Yup, I'll be flying off from a hot, humid, tropical island, to a cold, gloomy, dry and bustling city!

Feeling excited, happy, and have been waiting for this day to come since, oh, can't even tell when. The countdown seemed to take forever, until the last couple of days, where it all seemed to flash by so quickly. Maybe it's the multiple farewell lunches/dinners/karaokes and the works.

Yet, also feeling slightly anxious. I don't know if my brain will activate when called upon. Not sure if I'd fit in. Not sure about a lot of things.

So God is my strength. And in times like these, I shall rest in Him and enjoy everything that He brings forth. I thank my Abba Father for everything and everything more.

Till a year later, SG!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mac-ed Up and Ready to Go!


I am so delighted because I have finally bought a Macbook Pro. And now, I feel as if my life is complete. I don't miss my HP laptop at all. AT ALL!

Okay, so I'm exaggerating just a little.

But I am very happy indeed. My baby looks so cool. Awesome.

And in other news, I have finally got my visa. I got it on Thursday, exactly a week before I fly. What a relief! I had been all antsy the entire time my application was processed, thinking of reasons it could be rejected. But of course, the Lord is with me and I claimed favour over my application. As usual, my Abba never fails to deliver. Praise Jesus!

So the question which I've been entertaining as the day draws closer is, "How's the packing coming along?" Well, I'm please to say that the packing is somewhat done. Just some finishing touches that can only be done the day before I fly. Otherwise, I'd say, "All my bags are packed, and I'm ready to go..." :)

The nervousness is somewhat getting to me. I feel ill-prepared for it. Partly 'cause I've been watching a Korean drama for the last 2 weeks or so, and as most are, I've been caught up in it. I feel kinda dumbed-down now because it is so frivolous to watch Korean drama and laugh and cry. Plus the invigilation a week ago has also been a mind-numbing experience.

5 days to go, amigos!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

5 Sep 2010

I must remember today. This day. This weekend.

What an awesome weekend; what an awesome day I had.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Dental, checked. Fish Head Curry, checked.

Yesterday was a busy, busy day. Much like the day before. And the day before.

I had a dental appointment. My first with a new dentist. My first dental visit in...like...3 years. I know, I'm not proud about it.

So I had this super teeth scaling and polishing that made my gums bleed. By bleed, I mean serious bleeding. It's as if my gums were having their period. Argh. It was a little uncomfortable at some bits, cos as much as I think I have been taking good care of my teeth, I haven't been taking good ENOUGH care of them.

And so, the dentist said it could be that I am prone to gum disease, and promptly gave me 2 special mouthwash to complement my dental care. And I promptly headed to Watsons after that to get me some new floss as well. No more half-hearted flossing. There is gonna be some SERIOUS flossing. I am determined to keep my sparklies sparkling for 1 year, till I can come back for my next dental.

My teeth felt so clean and bright, that I actually felt guilty drinking or eating anything besides plain water.

The irony was that I was meeting the past & present Hilltop girls for Fish Head Curry at Banana Leaf Apolo for dinner.


Dinner, however, was FANTASTIC. While waiting for the 2 current Hilltop girls, Karen and I ordered a fish cutlet (minced fish, potato, spices) and some deep-fried onions-in-spices-thingy. When the girls finally arrived, we went straight for the jugular, and ordered a fish head curry, a masala prawn and a masala chicken. We all had biryani rice, which was yummy, and heaps of papadum. YUMMEH!

Dinner, of course, is not complete without lime juice and lots of updating, gossiping and chit-chating. It was a blast and I had fun picking on the leftovers while listening to the conversation(s). It was awesome.

No pictures because when the non-camera folks (past and present) come together, we generally forget to take photos, even when we already HAVE camera phones. Or maybe it was because we were all too hungry to bother. lol.

I'm so glad we met up. I'm so glad to know them, to have them as firm friends. They are part of a small group of people I know whom I feel I have some kind of affinity with. Some things just click with them. And it doesn't happen very often. So I'm glad.