Tuesday, May 29, 2007

this must not be my year.

seems the 29th of every month has been rather bad.

ditto may.

wishing...and hoping...for a sign. something...anything!

and preparing myself for the worst, like i always do.

thanks, skeptical and sarcastic me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

baa...i am sheep!

baa...he's not back yet. :/

feeling rather baaa...because my weekends are burnt!


finished watching 花样少年少女 already. seeing wu zun reminds me of the dear one, fair fair, tall tall, big big eyes, rippling arms... hahaha...BUT look at wu zun's abs man! (why the dear one don't have?!? haha..) SCALDING HOT!! - sizzle- oh my! seriously, i can see why gals just go goo-goo-ga-ga, salivate and have dirty thoughts of him (with him?). haha...not admiting or denying anything here. la la la la la la~~~


ok lah, 花样 is like a pick-me-up, more than anything else.

now i got nothing else to watch and wallow in self-pity in. so maybe i shall watch some parts of it all over again.

baaaaaaaaaaaaa...i am sheep! hear me baa! BAAAAA...............

Monday, May 21, 2007

not that great...

today wasn't a great day, and the funny thing was, it had nothing to do with it being monday, nor was it the gloomy weather.

how's that for predictability...even the weather can sense my discomfort.

my guess is that i'm missing the dear one, plus i'm MS-ing (yeah, removed the P and u know what i meant?). he's in faraway london, which is actually a gloomy place, while i'm in half-gloomy-half-sunny singapore.

how's that for drama too?

ANYWAY...it doesn't help that i've been watching 花样少年少女.

i'm about 4/5 through, with 3 episodes to go, but i decided to stop before the evil drama gets a hold over me. yeah, everyone knows what taiwanese/korean/japanese (idol) dramas do to us. so i have been pretty strong-willed to stop. (i'm so close to bring my laptop around so i can watch it while i travel!)

before i digress, truth be told, such taiwanese drama, particularly the ones that were taken from manga, seems to always bring me into a depressive mood. it's like art imitating life and life imitating art all at the same time. i always get so much emotions out of them, and i get all retrospective and moody and depressing and a whole rollercoaster of emotions.

it's as if watching the show fills up a certain emptiness, but simultaneously increases that emptiness.

what an irony!

what an evil plot!!!

just feel like quoting phrases out of the show to illustrate your life, isn't that so?

feel the heartaches that the protagonist feels, laugh and cry along as if that were just you.

and before you go to bed at night, it makes you ponder of "what if", "what could be", and "if only".

then maybe you'll dream about it, maybe you won't. or maybe it'll just tire you out that you knock out, and wake up to find that another day has gone by and another day comes forth that you have to trudge through.

and another day...

and another day...


so what makes you snap out of it?

when he/she give u a reason to smile again...

(pls make me smile...)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


看了Ella在大哭的画面, 突然有一鼓冲动...


想大哭, 不是因为难过或是极度的不开心. 只是看到别人如此大哭一场, 似乎感觉到身心舒畅许多. 总觉得就算自己没哭, 自己也能体会那种身心舒畅的感觉...好像把所有的不愉快和压抑的心情都释放出来.



奇怪吧? 怎么突然会写这些呢?

最近买了Eason 的新专辑...是因为非常喜欢一首歌.

陈奕迅 - 爱情转移



*把一个人的温暖 转移到另一个的胸膛

回议是捉不到的月光 握紧就变黑暗

爱情不停站 想开往地老天荒 需要多勇敢*



你不要失望 荡气回肠是为了 最美的平凡

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lessons From Planning Mishaps

Lucky you! 2 posts in a day! (due to some unrelenting inspiration)


Today, we shall learn some lessons from planning mishaps (or misfires).

Lesson 1: Democracy doesn't always work.

Don't let things like American Idol fool you. It doesn't mean if there is voting involved, the final decision will always be the right one. Look at Singapore Idol! Usually, it's just a popularity contest. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. And when it doesn't, it turns into anarchy.

Lesson 2: Sympathy should never affect a decision.
If it ain't worth it, then it ain't worth it. "Feeling sorry" should never be a factor in giving in. You stand to regret your decision when you realised your compassion for someone may possibly have resulted in a the downfall of the entire project. Rationale or common sense should always take precedence.
Lesson 3: Manipulation usually turns against you.
You think you're being smart by throwing one for one, when all you want is THAT ONE. It doesn't always work. You must always include external factors, such as circumstance or personal situations, before making a decision to whether you can take the risk of getting the one that you didn't want instead of two because THAT ONE that you wanted pulls out in the end. How can you reject the one that you didn't want then?

Lesson 4: Never procrastinate.

Do as you must (especially if the above has happened). Once bitten, twice shy. Never let things drag for they will soon go beyond all control. It is unwise to accomodate beyond all reasonable doubt. Issues or problems may just pile up. Decisions should be made swiftly and without hesitation, although with tact, if possible. If not, dispense with tact.

And so, with the lessons above, we shall follow these mantras and stride forward to a better future!

oh man...!!

really lah...have been nothing but tired and lazy. coz everyday have to wake up early to go to work. and then by the time i'm done, even though i get to see daylight still, i'm simply too tired and sleepy. i mean, i get sleepy by 11pm! it used to be 3 or 4am!! if i'm not tired, then i'm simply too lazy to on the lappie, wait for it to start-up and type.

it's not the job per se. i think the whole change in lifestyle has been pretty challenging. and i'm not even talking about the 8-5 thing. i think the change is partly challenging coz it's not just on my part that there is change. i'm working near my home, and he's working near his home. we used to have a meeting point, and that was at work. i'm 8-5 with weekends to spare (sometimes) while his time is irregular. so from meeting everyday, it went down to meeting every other day, to just 2-3 times a week. and all we can afford (in terms of time) are meals.

it's challenging...and that's an understatement.

sometimes, i wonder if we'll ever get used to it.

alternatively, i wonder too if we will get too used to it.

anyway, work is coming along fine. starting to get more things added on my desk, but at least i have a nice little cubicle that i'm sprucing up slowly, but surely. my office mail has been set up and all hell has broken loose! wahaha...i think most people working in big organizations would know what i mean. hur hur...

may be catching a movie this weekend with the dear one. ah...finally. maybe can meet up with the weekend-cum-movie/hk cafe-cum-"sq gfs" gang if they are free (are u all free?). haven seen them in a while and have some catching up to do.

i don't really want my old lifestyle to be changed much. i realised sometimes, you just get too used to not meeting that you start making excuses not to meet. then sooner or later, the friendship or relationship just falls apart. so i'm gonna make every effort to see that i can meet up up and catch up with my friends and/or loved ones as much as i can.


Friday, May 11, 2007

a couple of things figured out

i've been wanting to write something about me and my immense imaginative power since last sunday, but i have been too tired and lazy to write.

it's a very loooooooooong story.


i just realised that i really have a vivid imagination when it comes to bringing the story out of a song. 想像力丰富! so far, i've only had the chance to show this to belle coz she was the last one that i shared the "story" with on sunday. i hope it helps ba...at least there is now a bit of material for her to "reference" and hopefully, create some imagery in her head so she can feel for the song a bit more. don't worry ah, got chance i tell everyone hor!! i am (usually) not biased or keep this kinda good stuff for myself only one. hahaha...

the song is 我怀念的. the story, i shall break it down phrase by phrase, line by line...on a later date.

coz i'm still too tired and lazy to type it.

you know why???

coz today i was out the whole day to recce and meet for some events. know where??? tekong!!! hahaha...what nice a chalet-looking place and beautiful beaches and many botak recruits!! after that went to a naval base. biangz...being out is more tiring than being in the office, albeit it being interesting and an eye-opener! now my job seems pretty fun huh? ok lah...today got dua dai ji. most people should know what lah. dunno?? go read the news reports or watch the news! hahahaaaa...

tomorrow is also another long day. event in the EARLY mornings till noon and late afternoon got MS. at least i get 1 more day off coz officially, it's supposed to be 5-day working week. yay!!

so far so good. people there are really very nice. and because of the way things operate around there, i realised i've been pretty anal about how things are being run. like i will start to plan things in detail, and hope/expect others can do the same. it's efficiency at work, and it feels better than just agar-agar.

right. need to sleep early. remind me about 我怀念的!!

p/s: i bought eason chan's new cd. did a preliminary listening, and it's pretty good. back to his old style, which i appreciate more.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


i realised that with all the hullabaloo about me and my new job, i haven't even had the chance to properly bragged yet.

Man U are the champs~~!

Man U are the champs~~!

YAY!!! 1 down...1 more to go!!! WOOOOO!!!

Get the cork opener ready! Champagne shall flow...!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

My First Day!

oh!!!!!! how my first day went!

actually, everyone at my workplace has been nothing but nice! even the superiors were really understanding. the girl that i'm replacing was also super nice and friendly and tried her very best to let me know as much info as humanly possible.

it was SOOOO overwhelming because there was soooo much to know!

all the lingo, overload of abbreviations, protocols and readings that i had to know...oh my god! it's such a big headache. but like i said, the bosses have been nice to give me time to settle down...although i kinda have to be thrown in the deep end soon coz it's the lady's last day tomorrow.

oh no...

i must keep calm.

i must keep calm.

breathe! breathe!!

well, at least the travelling is pretty ok, half an hour bus ride only. the food is cheap, the benefits are good, and the pay is reasonable.

and now my body is aching all over. thanks to the long break! and i didn't sleep well last night so i guess i'll be knocking out pretty early today. haha...


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Knick-knacks of the Past Week

the week seemed to past really quickly...ironically speaking.

of course, there was my sis's 21st birthday celebrations part 1 on monday...a bbq at my uncle's condo. i think she is really relieved now. hahaha...

tuesday was labour day and i mostly stayed at home and watched tv, i think. i can't quite remember. oh, think i played mahjong the day before over to the morning, with my JAL sis and her bf. that's y!!!

wed was my sis's actual birthday but i had to drag her to my medical check for this cpf investment/savings insurance thing hat i got from my ex-cjc classmate at prudential. it took forever!!! went to meet ja, tt, kt and jw in the evening to celebrate kt and jw's engagement and my new job. we went amk hub, ate nyny. bah...but we did go and check out kt's and jw's place that they got. nice quaint penthouse. it has a roof garden!!! i told them to keep an eye on anyone thinking of selling. hehe...

went down for the choir briefing on thursday night. i hope we'll start on the right foot. anyway, 1st prac this coming thursday. woosh!!

friday...oh yah! i had a bad sleep coz i keep waking up and sleeping on and off. dragged my ass off the bed eventually, and went to catch spiderman 3 with shiyu, alexis and tony. FREE tixs courtesy of my aunt! woooo...there was even cocktail reception!! the movie was alright, although it just affirmed my ideas that men are impossible (watch to understand). the company was good too. but i wasn't very happy lah. anyway, after that, tony and i went to eat tau huay and chatted.

yesterday, went MS as usual. kerry, evelyn, jasmine and i went to eat steamboat. actually it was kite's idea coz they all wanted to celebrate me getting a new job. but kite had gastric upset and couldn't make it. we went anyhow coz we starved ourselved the whole day. end up...as usual...i was the last one STILL eating.

and i my tummy was bad today. BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! went MS as usual too. long day man! before that, i went nokia shop and got the 2626, free coz i upgraded my plan. needed a non-camera phone for the new job. since i din like the copper colour (the only colour available), i consoled myself by buying a chip (or issit dale?) pouch. haha...

so yeap...that's how the week went.

honestly, i'm pretty worried about the new job. i really don't know what to expect and i'm afraid i'll feel really lost and alone in a new environment and all. i'm worried that i'll get really tough superiors and that i won't be able to get along with my new colleagues or not being able to do my job well. i don't really have cushioned walls now that i can bump and not get hurt, and i can't just do whatever i want. i'm part of a bigger picture now...whether i want to or not.

so yes...i am scared.

and i haven't really told anybody how scared i am.

anyway, let's see how tomorrow goes.

on another note...

7 days x 24 hours = 168 hours

3 out of 168...that would be...1.786%!

wow...that's a NEW low... ... ...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i have 3 minutes!

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TING TING (aka Glynis/Ah Ting/Ting/Oi!)!!!


And...Happy Birthday David Beckham!!! (no not the rabbit, the real person)

got loads more to update, but in another time ba!

Dear Dear is back...yay...I missed him so much.