Friday, November 24, 2006

Expect the unexpected Pt 2: Life is a balance of good and bad stuff.

I didn't intend to do a part 2, and never did.

But that's just exactly how it's meant to be...expect the unexpected mah.

Anyway, I was at the results show for the first quarterfinals of PSS, guys and girls. I must say, I was quite shocked by the turn of events for most part of it. But i feel that everything happens for a reason, so no matter how shocking or unexpected things are, we should take it in positively. There is no point feeling angry or sad and thinking up all sorts of conspiracy theories that someone out there is trying to get you. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I think such things are, but just a step in your journey of life.

I guess that's why I didn't take it as hard as most people do. I don't think that's being heartless or cold-blooded or feeling no emotions. I feel disappointment and sadness and shock too. It's just that I choose to see matters in a more positive light. I hope I'm being positive instead of skeptical anyway.

So, it's things like these that makes you really drive home the point to not expect too much. Don't expect people to do things for you out of their own willingness and heart, but if they do, appreciate it. Don't expect things you see happen to others to also happen to you, just because people have it and you don't. Maybe it just makes you a better person that you don't have it as good as others. Don't expect to be treated nicely or treated like you want to, even if you see your friends or people around you being treated in a certain way. It may make you take things for granted. Don't expect the same of others. People are just not the same, and one relationship is different from the next. Nothing is written as a rule that all relationships should follow.

I guess I still have a long way to go, since I still tend to expect a lot from others and myself. Being human is just difficult. You need to manage your life, your emotions, your expectations, your happiness, your sadness, your satisfactions and your disappointments.

Anyway, was just singing this song the other day and I thought I'll put it in.






Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Expect the unexpected.

It has been a rather queer and mind-boggling week.

And I'm gonna be slightly cryptic again, so bear with me for a while.

With the way how life is going and seeing competitions happening all around (three that are I'm involved in directly or indirectly right now), I can't help but become a bit skeptical of how things turn out. There are just some things you expect to happen and some you don't. Some things you wished happened, and some you just cannot avoid them happening.

It's just like life.

Sometimes you expect people to change for the better. Sometimes, you don't expect them to change but they do. Either way, the experience may be a pleasant or unpleasant one. You can't say for sure, cause everyone is different in the way they do things, the way they experience things, and their motives for doing so.

The tide was calm for a while...but I'm beginning to foresee a little bit of ripples coming forth.

You see shadows of the past coming up again, and you can't help but wonder if it's gonna happen all over again.

Cross your fingers!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Art imitates Life; Life imitates Art.

Busy busy busy. As usual, been busy with work. Actually, that's all I've ever been busy with. It's even more busy now cause it's the end of the year, more classes, more events, MC Super Idol and PSS is coming up. Tons of things to do. Never-ending things to do. Same as before. Same thing now.

Despite all the that, I've still managed to squeeze some time to have a life. Met up with Stef. We had a nice lunch at Marmalade Pantry at Palais Renaissance. It was such a nice place with nice ambience and nice food. Stef and shirley got me a philosophy fragrance, a little mirror and that nice lunch! Talked endlessly with Stef and desperately wished shir was with us too. Sigh...hugz babes! It was a good talk. Gave me a lot of perspective on many many issues, and very happy to know that Shir and Stef are happy doing what they are doing. Yes Stef, we need to look for our own fulfilment.

Went to watch the first QF round for PSS. Was sitting at Maxi's area cause I got tix from her. I think I made quite a racket there...slightly embarrassed at my hyperactivity. You just get sucked in by the whole mood and euphoria. Got tired even before Maxi started singing. wahahaha...Anyways, JIA YOU Maxi!!! Don't be disappointed! I think you did well, so must have faith in yourself...and in the voters too. wahahaha...(get the hint?!?!)

Had dinner with TT, Yeok, KT and Ja at New York New York yesterday. Food was that great but it was OK. More importantly, we finally met after much trials and tribulations. The gals got a cake and me and TT celebrated our birthday (albeit mine a bit belated). My first cake this year. Though I couldn't eat the cake, it was still fun to soak in the mood and make wishes and blow out candles. We just reminisced about old times and how other people were doing. Some things never change I guess.

My nights have not been the same.

Cause I've been caught up in a whirlwind. Totally immersed myself night after sleepless night.

It's called Princess Hours.

haha...or else?!?!?!

I'm at the last disc already. The show has totally sucked me in without me knowing. I guess it's not just the story, or the characters, or the beautiful clothes that has had such an addictive effect on me.

You know how sometimes we wish we were the characters in a show?

Well, for the first time. I actually know the characters in the show. It's pretty mind-shattering because it's as if the writers had been stalking me and taking my lines to put in the show. Of course, we all know that is not true. It's just that, I seem to remember myself saying the same things at certain points of the show. And I remember just as clearly that I got the exact same responses. It's pretty unnerving and unsettling.

Well, like I said, I'm hooked. So hooked that I borrowed my sis's portable DVD player so I could watch the DVD on my way to work. Yes...I am maaaaaaaaaaad.

I have 2 more episodes to go. My sis has been telling me that Ep 23 is the best. And that the story has a nice ending. An ending that I would definitely like. That's good then.

I hope my ending would be just as nice.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Of Birthdays and Bangkok

I'm never one who is a sucker for birthdays.

Happy birthday to me...

Actually, the best part I like about birthdays, whether mine or others', are the presents. I love to give presents, and I equally love receiving them. So anyway, thanks to those who wished me happy birthday. I replied most of them pretty late coz I was on my way to Bangkok when most of the wishes came in. Oh! And thanks for all the pressies! I love them all, no matter big or small.

Yeah, and like I said, I'm never one who is a sucker for birthdays. So, I fled to Bangkok on my birthday. The trip was also my birthday yay!! Went to the usual haunts...Chatuchak, Discovery Centre, MBK, Siam Square, Siam Centre, Siam Paragon, Chinatown and most of all, Suan Lum Night Bazaar (you must say it with a Thai twang...suan lum nite bisaar~). Went there on all 3 nights and always brought stuff back! wahahahaha...Oh yes, and I ate authentic Thai food on the roadside! Nope, I didn't get a tummyache.

So, some pics from my trip there.

My stuff at the end of Day 1 ...

A few other photos didn't make it here cause I don't know why.

Actually, there isn't much to update. Nothing much happened on my birthday except that I got presents and I went Bangkok. Didn't celebrate or much less had a slice of cake even. I can't even decide if it was one of my best or one of my worst birthdays ever. Ah well...I guess I'd settle for not too bad.

And as for Bangkok, I didn't take much pics and we did mostly shopping and eating and playing dai dee on our handphones. Dat's it. So nothing much there either.

Anyway, some stuff in my life are being sorted out now. I hope things will settle down in time to come. I don't know lah. Guess just take things a step at a time. Whatever will be, will be. I must learn not to linger or ponder too much. Sickens the mind and soul. Cheerios~