Monday, September 28, 2009

on the last week of september

In another 2 days, we will officially mark the end of September, and also the end of the third-quarter of the year.

3 more months till we bid farewell to 2009.

Actually, I don't care much for last quarter of the year. Well, maybe with the exception of my birthday, Christmas, taking leave/clearing day-offs, and of course year-end bonus.

But it only seemed like yesterday that we celebrated new beginnings and entered the year of 2009 with...well, not much for me. Except that I do remember me saying something about embracing changes or looking forward to changes.

Eh...nothing much has changed for me, which does not mean anything bad. It just is what it is. Nothing has changed.

But it's still good. Cos I'm doing pretty well, methinks. So, I'm rather satisfied that nothing changes.

or perhaps, something has changed, but I haven't got a clue?

Ah...looking forward to October then!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

good times

had a late lunch today with the colleagues. mcdonalds delivery it was, since it was too late for us to get any (good) food from the canteen, not that there's good food to begin with. i had my usual double cheeseburger with no pickles and onions, fries and a coke. when was the last time i had mcdonalds? i was just a week or two ago. but hey! i had kfc delivery just 3 days ago. that was for dinner. that's what happens when you get 2 lazy-bones at home.

so work has been a bit...dull. it's not that there isn't anything to do. on the contrary, there are loads to do. i call this the post-super-busy-super-stress-until-you-eat-drink-sleep-dream-of-work syndrome. i tend to fall into this phase where i really...don'

the 2 gals beside me and i have been talking (albeit slightly delusionally) about doing our own business(es). it ranges from bubble tea to wedding planners to fruit juices. we'll be directors: R&D director (juicer - finding juice receipes for preventing/treating different ailments), Admin director (cashier) and Operations director (selling the juice). who doesn't wanna be her own boss, right?

good times. good times.

Monday, September 07, 2009

finally...the craziness is (sort of) over

The last 2 weeks or so have been a bit of a stretch for me. Really busy and hectic. Spend the working hours clearing emails and random stuff that required almost immediate attention. By the time i start doing work that i aimed to do for the day, it's dusk already.

This meant many late nights in the office and very little sleep. But at least it's all done. AOH is done for me. Yay!

And now...i'm on leave to prepare for sis' wedding. Much to do peeps, much to do...