Monday, November 23, 2009

Fall in Singapore

I joked about with various people that it's been so cold in Singapore that you can take out your fall season styles and wear them.

Of course, cold is relative, but at 23-28 deg C, this is almost like air-conditioning the whole of Singapore. Plus the rain. It is really not a normal sight...people are wearing boots! (Then again, people were ALREADY wearing boots even when the sun was up and scorching at 30+ deg C.)

I like the weather. Not so much the rain, which I can handle as long as I don't get caught in it. Otherwise, the weather is just fabulous. I would love for it to be just like this all year round. I don't think the people at Bukit Timah will be very happy though, with all their washed out Ferraris, BMWs and Porsches parked at the flooded basement carpark of their high-end condominium.

Duncha feel that the air is just so much cleaner and fresher with the rain coming oh' so often?

It makes one sleepy too...

Very sad, I always blog when I'm feeling sleepy.

And when the boss isn't around.


Enjoy fall, people!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

blogging noob

i still remember my first foray into the blogosphere.

actually, i can't remember much of it except that my first blog was hosted on OpenDiary. i do remember spending hours a day experimenting with html and learning it all online. now of course, it is so much easier to "personalise" your blogs. just a click here and a click there. and if you wanted something more special, you just search for skins and download the html script or something.

my next-cubicle neighbour recently (today) decided to start a blog of her own. her first blog. she isn't new to the blogging scene since she reads tons of fashion blogs and blogshops, but she had not been tempted to the dark side. till today at least. today, she decided to take the first step to world start a blog.

so after sussing out which platform suits her best, she went ahead and registered her blog. the next few moments, however, were typical of a noob (or maybe it's just her).

she: *whines* how to choose a background? there is supposed to be some to choose from but i cannot choooooose!!!

me: huh? just choose and click on it lah...*walks over*

she: cannot! see...there's supposed to be like 75 to choose from but how to choose? i cannot click on it.

me: (already by her desk) err...*looks at the screen* scroll down...down...

she: see...cannot click!!

me: (still looking) did u log-in?

she: yah...i logged in just now ma.

me: *looks closer* click there...*points to homepage icon of platform; she clicks and it reaches the homepage; i look again*


she: (laughs sheepishly) oh yah hor...haha...okok...

me: *pulls hair out* argh...

she: okok, don't stand here la!! and don't write about me on your blog.

me: sure...

ya right.

Monday, November 16, 2009

when is it my turn?

i always read other people's blogs and feel so inspired by their words. they way they describe something even as mundane as their day, their week, or just something they feel at the moment.

and when i write in my blog, i come up with...crap!

maybe it's the weird conversations i have at work, which is where my sanity is usually tested. for example, we'll have the fashionista beside me asking if she should get a pair of coloured doc marten's boots. why, for crying out loud, would you want a pair of pink doc marten's boots?!?! and then the perpetual-dreamer on the other side will be saying something silly about some guy she can't have. in fact, they are ALL not eligible (maritally and orientationally speaking).

(nevertheless, i would like to disclaim that they do bring some entertainment to an otherwise mundane and rigid work-life.)

so i'm really quite jealous.

why do people give off the warm-fuzzy feeling thru their blog postings but mine doesn't?

mine give off gas.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

sleepy times...

the usual la. post-lunch syndrome.

meet my current 2 best friends: full and sleepy

my 2 colleagues are out enjoying the time of their lives (on course) while i'm stuck in the office battling heavy eyelids amongst other mundane stuff otherwise known as work.

i had coke, which is usually my perk-me-up since it makes me hyper, but it's not working......

weather is too nice.

air-con temperature is just nice.

mood in the office is also nice (nobody around, not even the boss[es]).

it's all niceeeeee...

sleepy la.



*falls on keyboard*