Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good, bad, happy, sad?

Some days, I wonder if the reason why I really cannot think of anything to blog about is because I am not miserable, depressed and sad.

I remember the times when I wrote stuff with so much emotions, innuendos and "philosophies of life". And I would always get these comments about how true they were and how I was speaking their minds, etc etc.

But you know what? I really wasn't happy then.

I suppose for many people, it's all these sad, miserable, depressing thoughts that gives them the inspiration to write. But I don't like how I felt then. I felt inadequate, unappreciated, unworthy, unhappy, and all the other words with a prefix in front of a nice, positive word to make it the exact opposite.

Nah...I don't want that. I like that I am happy now. That I am satisfied, yet hopeful. Joyful and feel completely worthy.

So I should write about things that makes me happy in life.

Like today, I went to church and heard an awesome sermon, despite feeling a little sleepy at times. Then, I had fish-head curry for dinner, even though I shouldn't, with my throat not feeling that great. And now, I am ALMOST done with grading this class.

Tomorrow, who knows what tomorrow will bring? I may not like it now (cos I have a class tomorrow), but hey, I know it'll be a blessed day and a day full of hope and happiness!

I may not be happy all the time, but I have joy in my heart, and I will be a happy person.

That's all that matters.

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