Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have an obsession with hair.

Those on my head. (Hello? What are you thinking???)

I have a (bad) habit of touching my hair from roots to ends and feeling if it's frizzy or curly or not quite right. And I can spot a short - wait, make that very, very, VERY short strand that is not growing out right. How short? Say, less than a centimetre? And I'll get my sis to take a tweezer and pull it out.

Whenever I have nothing to do, or reading or studying or stoning, I touch my hair. I feeeel my hair.

My mum says it's my bad habit. My cousin, who once saw me studying and playing with my hair, once remarked, "She touch-touch her hair only, then can study already (as in, do well in my studies)!" LOL.

Actually, I don't know what it is about hair that I am so obsessed about. It's slightly OCD-ish. I can't help it. As much as I feel bad whenever I pull a hair out, whether accidentally or on purpose, I still do it.

AND, I noticed other girls who do it too. So, I'm not alone.

I really can't explain it. I just hope I won't get bald in the process. *Knock on wood*

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