Friday, October 26, 2007

Have I told you lately...

that my current fave includes:

- Say Bons' tomato soup
- Chippy's cheese sausage and mash
- Lychee martini
- Sex On The Beach (the drink la!!!)
- DIY-ing/scrapping

Let me explain.

I'm so in love with Say Bon's tomato soup that I haven't even put my tastebuds on the mushroom soup (which I heard is really good). I know this sounds slightly ridiculous but the tomato soup reminds me of the time when I was in Switzerland...long ago. Haven't tasted such rich, tasty tomato soup in a long time. least 13 years already?

And i found out it's opened by Cherlyn Loke's sis. hahaha...wat a coincidence.

Anyhow, it's good la. TRY IT!!

As for Chippy's? I know it's not like the most luxurous or unique food around but I just have this liking for silly stuff like that. I think the cheese sausage is wonderful with the mash (that btw, comes from the same 7-11 machine...Maggi...). It's just yummy and that's all I can say about it.


Lychee martini. I liked lychee martinis a long time ago. But recently, I realised that it's such a nice drink to start and end your drinking session with. Plus it's sooo classy and sweet and has this wonderful feeling that lingers on your tastebuds. I can't describe it except that it's goooooooooooooood.

Sex On The Beach. The drink. I just discovered this drink recently. I mean I knew about it, but never did try coz I don't quite like shooters. But THIS...THIS is really light. I mean, i could have a go at it forever...ok not forever but down quite a few at a go. It's such a nice, sweet ladies drink.

Yah...I'm into sweet stuff now...for drinks only pls.

And DIY. I dunno, maybe it's the coming of age. I realise there is nothing better than a gift that you actually had a hand in doing. Yah, you can buy the materials and deco, but putting the finishing touches, and add a bit of creativity, it just makes a gift so much more than just a present. It's really sincere and really from the heart. Making scrapbooks and stuff out of something simple, it's just such an accomplishment.

BTW, that's 2 DIY projects in a week. And I'm loving it! about the weekend.

Busy busy weekend.

The highlight is probably the Halloween Party at zouk. meeting with some of the old choir mates and maybe some other groups of friends there. it's partly my bday celebrations though i dun wanna admit it. i don't wanna be dunked into alcohol. not my cup of tea...contrary to popular belief.

but somebody owes me 8 trays of shooters.

lesson learnt: do not bet with me.

even if you think i can't wake up early and take a bus for the 1st time to work in 1 month. don't. try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what is the message behind. It is high time that you make another visit to Switzerland. We are all waiting for you.