Tuesday, August 07, 2007

不能说的。 秘密


不用猜也应该看得出,我今天终于看了周董自导自演的电影 《〈不能说的。秘密〉〉。 也不想说太多,就让大家自己去看吧!只能说。。。好看!

其实,看完了这部戏,心里有点酸酸的。所以才会上网,想把自己的感想写在部落格上。怎么说才不会把“秘密”泄露出来呢?在看电影的当儿,就已经在想:“哇!如果这里没人,是自己一个再看这部戏的话,应该会哭死吧!” 是真的蛮感人的!好几次都是在忍着泪,眼睛好刺好刺,有种说不出的心酸。


For the benefit of Stef and those who can't read chinese or lazy to read in chinese:

Finally figured out how to type chinese words without searching for one word at a time. That was tough, and pretty dumb. But I'm smarter now. haha...

I just watched Secret, the movie directed by Jay Chou and starring him as well. Don't wanna say too much about it. Will let you catch it and judge it for yourself. All I can say is...GOOD!

Actually, after watching it, my heart just felt a bit tangy. That's why I'm blogging about it. While watching the movie, there were just moments when i felt that i'll probably be crying myself to death if i was watching this movie alone. it's quite touching! i had to hold back my tears a couple of time. my eyes just felt pricky and my heart just went numb.

so i asked, "will love really come one full circle for all lovers?"

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