Friday, July 20, 2007

why like dat?

sorry for not updating sooner. work has been hectic and crazy. ahh~~~

and on top of this multitude, i still have to deal with this...issue.

i just came to know about this matter being an "issue", and it's been bugging me since.

it's making me rather uncomfortable and somewhat upset because this "issue" bugs me in 2 dimensions.

one, is that i can't believe it even came up because i never thought of it this way. in retrospect, i can understand why. still, i don't like to be malign. clear conscience. once again, i won't explain myself unless i have to.

two, i think there is a time and place for everything. THAT clearly was the wrong time and wrong place.

anyway, the deed is done. the consequences...we won't know what it is until it happens. i can just say, it won't be pretty.

and sometimes i wonder, why i even bother? it's not like i need to do it. i really don't.


OK, on the up-side of things, it's my MUM'S birthday tomorrow!!! giving her ang bao, coz she's going japan/shanghai with my younger sis. and she specifically asked for money. hahaha... i got her a nice card too. match the BIG ang bao (ok, "big" by my standards ok?)

talking about money, i think i spent a lot this month. ho ho's a happy thing. but my handphone bill just came in. alamak! =X now must save money. or else the wallet won't make it to my hands.

and i desperately need to get it.

deletion...almost complete.

1 comment:

missmisto said...


really hope that u managed to get some rest over the weekend from ur hectic week.

so sorry about your wallet. see u soon?

luv luv and hugs