Monday, July 16, 2007

What's NEW?

i can't say this enough...


and i'm still a very big believer of karma, thank you very much. for the uninitiated, once again, it means whatever you do, good or bad, it will come back to you. so if you do something good, good things will happen to you. if you do something bad/mean/stupid, the bad/mean/stupid thing will come back to (haunt) you.

and this isn't retribution or revenge. you don't even have to look for it or ask for it. it will just come back to you. the only way to counter it is:

1. do good deeds.
2. don't do bad/mean/stupid things.

and by the way, they are not mutually exclusive. you have to work both concurrently.

i've seen karma work first-hand, second-hand, and in many retrospective ways.


disbelieve at your own risk.

on a lighter note (or not), i heard a*mei's new single on radio a couple of days back. it's good! very similar in style to her previous album, which i quite liked. and the thing was, the very moment i heard it, i thought the melody was very reflective of a certain male singer-composer-musician-(and now actor-director), who has in recent years (and albums) incorporated a lot of slow rock elements.

as usual, i was right.

A*Mei 新专辑[STAR]首波主打---如果你也听说

作词:李焯雄 作曲:周杰伦

突然发现站了好久 不知道要往哪走
还不想回家的我 再多人陪只会更寂寞

许多话题关于我 就连我也有听过
夜把心洋葱般剥落 拿掉防卫剩下什么
为什么脆弱时候 想你更多

如果你也听说 有没有想过我
像普通旧朋友 还是你 依然会心疼我
好多好多的话想对你说 悬着一颗心没着落
要怎么附和 舍不得 又无可奈何

如果你也听说 会不会相信我
对流言会附和 还是你 知道我还是我
跌跌撞撞才明白了许多 等我的人就你一个
想到你想起我 胸口依然温热

如果你想起我 你会想到什么


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