Monday, July 02, 2007

One. Two. Three.

I have a couple of issues to address.


I have met my fair share of bitchy people and bitches (Note: 2 totally different species.) AND, I think I have a rather high tolerance level of these kinda specimens. Agree?


In any case, I think I've probably witness the epitome of such people on Sat night, at the NDP rehearsal. Work. And this time, it was opened to some public for viewing (participant's families/friends).

(Side note: No, I can't get tix to NDP, so don't even ask, k?)

ANYWAY...I met some really incredulous people. Shan't go into details, but the experience wasn't too pleasant. Think: Ugly Singaporeans (and I'm not being superficial here).

You know, it's ok to have principles and be firm about your rights, but when someone asks you something nicely, you could jolly well repay them with a firm and pleasant explanation. There is absolutely no need to snap or be childish or rude about it.

God! As if i haven't seen enough childish people!

I think you lose your license to be childish once you turn 13 years old. Apparently, some people keep on renewing this license past its expiry, much to the distaste of others. BLEAH!


I'm getting slightly disturbed (and sick of) delusional people; people who think they are what they are not.

This has got to do with someone I know at work, plus some others here and there. I think people have to know that they can't have the "best of both worlds". Aiyah, but karma will catch up lah, so I'll just leave him and his "problems" alone.

Then, there are the other kind of delusional people; those who think there is something when there's nothing. Aiyoh, I feel so bad for them. I think we all fall prey to "stupidity" at one time or another. You see it happen, but you know there's nothing you can do until they wake up and find their wisdom and common sense again.

It doesn't help that you also wanna slap them to wake them up, but you know that will get you into trouble with the law. Maybe people just have to learn from their mistakes and bad experiences. (Cross fingers)


Enough of the negativities. Now, for some other things I wanted to address:

  • Planned to watch Transformers, Fantastic Four, Pirates of the Carribean a couple of months back when the trailers started coming out. far...zilch, zero, nada...And I missed Pirates already. This sucks.
  • Planning to go BKK soon, sometime in Oct maybe. No, I'm not "escaping" from my birthday again. (Not yet, anyway.)
  • Spice Girls are gonna have a reunion tour this year end. Last one apparently. I admit, I am a big fan. Looks like I shall dust out my CDs and lyrics, pack a bag to HK for the concert. (They aren't coming to Singapore. Boohoo...)
  • Gonna buy myself a nice, nice, NICE present this July. I've been working too damn hard, and so, I deserve it. And...because i CAN!
  • Thought briefly of getting posted overseas for a couple of years. It'll be a good experience I reckon. Europe or US would be nice. Then I can travel around the region too. Thinking only. I've been watching a lot of Discovery Travel and Living. Suddently, I feel ready for the world!

Keeping my options I will for all things in life.


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