Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Random Future Shopping List

As the days go by, I find myself thinking of the most random things I need to buy when I get there.

And I am being serious.

Like, coffee and tea. I need my coffee. 'Nuff said. I like green tea on a cold, winter's day. But once in a while, I would like some homemade lemon tea too. So I need red tea, and lemon slices. Hmm, I don't even make homemade lemon tea at home now.

That brings me to sugar and milk. Definitely need sugar. Even if I am getting instant coffee, I'd need the sugar for sweetening my tea and for cooking. Milk is a definite. I need milk for cereals.

So I need cereals too. I wonder if they have Koko Crunch there. That's actually the only cereal I eat.

If not, I'll need bread. To make breakfast. And cheese. Yes, cheese. I can make grilled cheese sandwich.

Condiments? Salt and pepper. Olive oil. Not sure if they have wonderful Chinese condiments like soy sauce, sesame oil and oyster sauce. That's all I need to whip up a homemade Chinese meal.

Rice? They have rice, right? So I've heard. I can buy some pasta too, and spaghetti sauce. Oh, and cans of soup! I love soup! Tomato soup, minestrone soup, mushroom soup, chicken soup. Yes, cold climates are the best climates for soup.

All the kinds of detergent, powder and stuff I need for cleaning: laundry, cooking, bathroom, general cleaning. Sponges.

And what about things to wipe? Paper towels, tissue boxes, toilet rolls.

Toiletries! Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, facial wash!

Hmm...have I left anything out?

At least I know I can print this if I really need a shopping list then.

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