Saturday, December 30, 2006

Weird Dreams Ushering in the New Year

it's 2 days to the new year, so lemme just say...

HAPPY 2007!!!!!!!!!


i've been having the weirdest of dreams. it's not scary, in fact more like things i do regularly like go out, eat, chit-chat, etc...the weird part is the people or objects that are in my dreams. like last night, i dreamt i was dating this guy whom i don't really know that well, and he's much younger than me loh. it felt OK, but it was just plain weird la. like why would these people appear in my dreams as if i have another life altogether.

kinda like my dream and my reality is all intertwined in some warped sense.

so anyway, i hope it doesn't mean anything cause it's just...eeee...weird lah!

but i did realised something from my dream. haha...this is embarassing...ok, i found out that i do like being cuddled and guys being touchy feely...i think it feels quite nice. not an overload of PDA (public display of affection, for the uninitiated), but some amount of it does feel good, like you are being doted or something.

let me reiterate again...IT WAS A DREAM!!!

hehe...makes me all girly for some reason. wahahahaaa...

Anyway, we have a New Year's Eve Countdown show at Hougang Mall tomorrow. Which means that's where I'll spend my New Year. ah first countdown show la.

OK...have a good 2007 everyone!!!

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