Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ma..Ma...Material Girl!

no no...not channelling my inner-Madonna.

just been feeling rather moody...and with the bad weather and xmas coming and all, i need a little pick-me-up. so it's time for the annual (or quarterly) I WANT list:


  1. a new lap top. (i hope my application for the cable upgrade is approved, then i can get the lap top that is given free with the new contract!!!)
  2. a new handyfone. (looking at the N80 or the pink shiny sony ericsson one...dunno wat model lah!)
  3. and talking about pink...the PINK PSP!!! (yeah...tony keeps reminding me if he was a girl, he'll get the pink one...i geddit, i geddit...btw, sidetrack...i dun actually like pink dat much, juz feeling girly)
  4. a new wallet where i can put notes, coins and cards and that can last me for a couple of years till i get rich enough to change to another one. (i sis bought me a PINK coach one already, but it's more like a coin/key a bit small to put all my shit, u know? i still like it la...)
  5. a trip to Hong Kong so i can go meet shirley and xiao tu...missing them...=(
  6. followed by a trip to some relaxing place for a couple of nothing...just sleep and bali or phuket or (my dream location) the maldives....ahhh~~~
  7. ok...this is gonna sound wierd, but a small vacuum cleaner to vacuum my room. wahaha...
  8. go to the new IKEA at tampines and imagine what i want in my home in future, buy things which i think i need but actually don't, and eat meatballs!!
  9. watch happy feet. nope...still haven't watch it yet! drats!!
  10. do a lord of the rings marathon, followed by a star wars marathon...i think i need at least 3 full days...2 to watch, 1 day to recover from the marathons.
  11. get new spectacles...i can't be seen in my current pair...jian bu de guang!!
  12. i got my sis a pair of gucci sunnies for her 21st birthday...i wan a pair too!!!

that's all i can think of...for now.

at the end of the day, all i really want are 2 things everyone wants...time and money! ha!

*Note to self: orh bi good! hiak hiakz...


missmisto said...

hehheeh i am sure u will look fantastic in a pair of gucci. i love guccci too.:)

Anonymous said...

if i win TOTO, i will buy everything for u la! kekkek....

the pink PSP is pretty cute la, veyr girly. but it doesnt have a lot of functions as the normal one...hmm.. cause they think girls are more technoidiot? haha, sexist. but well, its cheaper la

love and miss the both of you. though i wont be back for xmas and new year, both of u are in my thoughts okie! have a good xmas and celebrate to the start of a good happy new year!