yes, ladies and gentlemen. it's monday again. how time's OCTOBER already.
anyway, just the other day, i heard lili say something which brought back a lot of memories. it's something that i remember proclaiming in one of my blogs years back and writing a whole opinionated piece about it that i think my GP teacher would have been so proud of. the sacred phrase is...
"ren2 shi4 fan4 jian4 de4."
and true, so true.
it really is. one minute, something could be the BIGGEST thing you'd ever done or ever been in, and the next minute, once the door is shut on your becomes not worth it. well, somehow, that thing was worth your time, money and/or effort when you want it. sometimes, we know...or rather, we have an idea of what may or may not happen. you do something, knowing full well that, like all things in the world, it could go one way or another. when it goes the way you want, everything is fine and dandy and you are the king/queen of the world. when it goes the other way, totally against you, you lament about how life is unfair and blah blah blah...
yeah...everyone goes through that one time or other. i think i may have done it myself.
so i say, ren shi fan jian de.
but i'm not dissing anyone lah. as much as i don't like hearing such stuff or seeing such stuff, there's nothing much i can do anyway. i can't control other people's lives or tell them to do or say things lah. the most i can do is rant in here, and hope and pray that i don't become the person that i preach about.
ok, anyway, i'm NOT in an angsty mood. in fact, today has been a rather good, relaxing day. i felt really good despite the lack of sleep (couldn't sleep until 4.30am coz my brains have this inate ability to think too much). i wish this day could have gone on and on without intermissions, but time stops for no man.
anyway, i started thinking about gossips and rumours, in a general sense. some celebrities, or familiar faces, like to keep their status a secret, while some just don't really care and tell people that they are/are not in a relationship. i mean, i understand that sometimes, it courts bad publicity (if there is SUCH a thing as bad publicity). i mean, look at jenn & brad, bennifer, jay and patty...etc. it didn't do them good, right? but then, i look at the situation in singapore, and i really don't think there is any comparison. y? coz the market is so small, the place is so small everyone knows someone, and seriously, we don't really get very affected but such news. not as much as those overseas anyway.
anyway, my point is...i really wonder what would the backlash be like, if people knew that their idol suddenly became...un-single? i mean, they go on and on about supporting them for their talents and hard work and determination (and probably good looks lah, oh please!). so what if they were not single anymore? does that mean you don't support them as much? since when did being in a relationship made one LESS talented, LESS hard-working, LESS determined? for thought, ain't it? can you imagine the poor gal/guy who has to be kept at an arm's length just so that no one would know? funny eh, nobody thinks of the other person, just coz he/she is not as important as the famous face. nobody knows how much the other person has to tolerate, has to sacrifice, has to compromise (by compromise, it means give in), or how much insecurity/jealousy/anger/sadness he/she goes through and can't tell, can't show.
now, what do you think of that idol of yours now?
and isn't it wierd that so far, in all the major talent shows/competitions in singapore, only GUYS have won?
yup! its october and I have been here for almost...1.5mths!
I think singapore market is just too hard for arts and entertainment. its a pie so small that sometimes really...u wonder what the hell you are doing getting yourself into the industry.
I have never really been a crazy die hard fan. But i know that if i admire an is for his works and talents. good looks is a bonus. but seriously... i dun care if he is attached la. i think pple are crazy when they get mad over these things...i mean.. *hello?* its not like u are dating your idol.
hmm dear
i cant help but feel that this entry is a bit abt how u feel about life and all things in general. that things kept in darkness only tire and make life weary. i believe u yearn for brighter, not happier exactly, but brighter and more honesty in life. oh gosh am i turning into a psychologist? no lah i hope not, just saying that after reading this, i do "feel " you, and hope that u feel better soon babe. love you
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