Monday, October 16, 2006

We're halfway through October!

Didn't plan on blogging today cause I just wrote such a LONG and SERIOUS piece a couple of days back. I tell you, it was the hardest entry to write.

But well, since my sis have a new lappie and I got bored...

Let's see. Woke up at 1pm today. HAHAHA...FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slept for a whole 12 hours I think. Felt damn shiok man! When will I get such luxury again, I wonder?

Went to have lunch...Pasta Mania. Ate my favourite beef lasagne. I swear I will try cooking that some day soon! I must! How can you cook everything but not know how to cook a favourite dish? It just doesn't make much sense. And so, I WILL DO IT...soon...haha

Then I went to play arcade, my favourite pastime on Monday. If you choose the right game, you could spend the least money wasting the most time! How effective! Didn't play my Time Crisis 2 today coz some brats were hogging the machine. I suspect there's a group or gang of brats conspiring to hog the machine so nice people with little free time, like me, can't play the game. DRATS!

Walked around a bit, though I've walked through Causeway Point probably a million times. I realised there's a Voxy at Metro. COOOOOOOOL. Only $10 for a basic mani, and $5 more for french mani. CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall go there soon for a french mani! Too lazy to do my own manicures lately.

Then I watched Rob-B-Hood!!! OH MY GOD! The baby inside is soooooooooo cute! He has the most adorable face and beautiful eyes and lips! And he can kan jing tou very well! So clever!!! I wan!!!! hahaha...(*maternal instincts at work)

After dat, had MOS for dinner. Yummy! Another favourite!!! I bought the "High School Musical" VCD to do as homework. My vocal kids class students have been bugging me to teach them High School Musical and I am just totally clueless about it. So I need to keep up with the times, if ya know what I mean. Bought the VCD so hopefully, I can do the MMO for the songs and teach my kids the songs. MAN! I am such a pushover sometimes!

That's it I guess. I seldom write lame stuff about my life in my blog since I hardly have the time to do it. It feels kinda weird, in a good way. Ah well, we are halfway through October, which just means I have not much money left in my bank to last me till the end of the month.


1 comment:

Unknown said...



sometimes its pretty theraputic to just blog a post like that...

glad u enjoyed you day at causeway point..yes, your "di pan"