as most would know/notice, i've been rather free. and the result of being rather free is that you tend to FIND for things to occupy time. some of these things, for me at least, is social networking (almost constantly) such as updating my status and random pearls of wisdom on FB and twitter, and surfing for information: news sites, gossip sites, blogs.
and i noticed something.
apparently, thanks to FB, twitter and probably other social networking sites, people DO NOT BLOG ANYMORE!?!?!
and i'm bored.
and now i know how people who are bored and free are constantly looking for others to blog so that they can catch up. even for a mundane read.
so i apologise for the lack of blog postings in the past 2.5 years. i blame it on having a job.
NOW that i do NOT have one, i can blog all the time. in fact, i should blog all the time. Hey look! i blogged twice today already.
Lo and behold! I even uploaded pictures!! something i am (in)famous for never doing even when i said i would!
now, i hope to garner enough people to read my blog so that i can make money off it.
*taps fingers and waits*
No job anymore? What...?
who is this wierd little bird?
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