Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stock up!

I realised that in a bid for me to get more people to follow my blog, I need to do a few things:

1. Write more often.

2. Write about anything and everything to endear myself to a wider audience

3. From time to time, write about controversial/provocative/taboo subjects.

Don't worry, there is none from s/n 3 this time. Or should I say, I'm sorry to disappoint, all you gossip-mongers and kaypohs.

I'm gonna talk about boring ol' CNY.

I know everyone talks about the food and the goodies and the angbaos. Personally, I'm not that keen on the food, nor the goodies, and don't even get me started on the angbaos. I mean, the food is good, and I eat, perhaps a little more than usual, but nothing crazy. The goodies...well, I don't like pineapple tarts and I am not a big fan of bak kwa, so not too crazy about those. I'll eat the occasional love letter, nuts and melon seeds and kueh bangkit but that's it. Angbao...*big dramatic sigh* I'm reaching that age where giving an angbao is expected and receiving would invite unanswerable and painful questions.

So, I generally only look forward to a few things. Diplomatically, it would be to see all my relatives and catch up or update each other. Other things would include the mandatory SMALL game sessions: MJ, blackjack, in-between (this year, I forayed into Guitar Hero). But I thinkg the best of the lot is that for this one season in the whole year, my fridge and kitchen cabinets are stockpiled with...*holds breath*...PACKET DRINKS!!!

*slurp packet of lemon tea*

Yup...cartons and cartons of glorious packet drinks. Lemon Tea, Crysanthemum tea, mango juice, green tea, et cetera, et cetera... I love it that I can just reach into the cool-box and get meself a nice, cold, sweet packet of slurping goodness.

Actually, I'm not sure if I'm excited about the packet drinks or the fact that there is a stockpile of them.

I think, perhaps, things that come in large quantities amuse and excite me.

Happy Tiger Year~!

1 comment:

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