Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We r going to the ZOO ZOO ZOO!!!

So we (as in my sis and i) decided it's time we took our long-put-off trip to the zoo. YAY!!!

Getting all prep-ed up - shades, cap and cooling wear! (yah, haven't taken down the CNY deco)
then we headed to macs for a quick breakfast!

whilst on the bus...we sang, "we are going to the zoo zoo zoo! how about you you you?

you can come too too too! we are going to the zoo zoo!!!"

TADA!!!!!! we've arrived!!!

and we got the tickets to prove it! ONWARD!!!!

how else to get around the zoo but a nice, rugged jeep?

no lah...we took the tram instead. gonna see loads of camera-whoring here...(isn't that THE pt?)

1st stop: children's world. we didn't eat kfc, but took it anyway. (oops! chopped my sis up)

see the baby gooooooat!!!! beh~~~ behh~~~

next stop: insect world...damn gross madagascar cockroaches! EEEKS!!!

time to stop for the animal show...but first, more pics of ourselves!

AND WEEEE~~~! the show starts! there's the sea lion (or something like dat), snakes, monkeys, and an otter named pedro that advocates recycling (he's been at it forever).

and after the show, we saw this mischevious little monkey attracting a crowd. he was very very cozy HANGING around people. hahaha

and we saw this cutie right next door!! awww....so cute....he's small too!

as you can see, i'm all psyched up to see my favourite animal!!!


and more white tigers!!! meet omar, winnie and jippie!

and back on an australian outback JEEP!

and presenting 3 of the 5 elephants at the ZOO!! they are also damn cute. i have a ton of pictures with the elephants and some are of them SMILING!!! so cute lah!!!

komali is the matriach of the elephant family, and that's her foot VS mine. man!

after nearly 4 hours at the zoo...we are half-gone...but...

we HAD to take a last trip to see the POLAR BEARS!!! meet sheba and her baby inuka (he's not a baby anymore, he's HUGE sia!!! that's him in front!)

and we were quite sad to leave...=( until the next time!!! BYEEE!!!

we took so many pics and saw so many animals, but i can't possibly put them all here. anyway, i hope to go back to the zoo again. it was about 4-5 years since my last visit i think. hopefully it ain't gonna take another 5 years before i visit the zoo again. till then...

"we went to the zoo zoo zoo...how about you you you..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Che che.....
Saw also pictures from Glynis che che blog. Like it told her it bring back memories of my visit in Singapore. I hope to see you all next year in summer or better still you guys can come over to spent christmas. By then our wintergarden will be ready.