Tuesday, October 13, 2009

taking a breather

the colleagues and i have decided we'll take a short break after lunch to recover from the lunch trip out.

i'm so full. had this seafood crayfish soup that is quite yummy. and i didn't even know it was just around the neighbourhood. my neighbourhood, that is, at the 'end of the world' (according to chriz).

woodlands la...

so anyway, everyone is suffering from some form of post-lunch syndrome. kinda need to shake it off by not doing any work for a while. we've decided to start doing proper work at 2.45pm.

i have trouble opening my eyes. long story...but my point is, i can't open my eyes properly. they're quite heavy, my eyelids. baaah...

oh yes, the colleagues and i have laid down some ground rules so that we can all save money, or rather not spend unwisely. we'll only eat out at most once a week. every fortnight, we'll have a Bring Your Own Food (BYOF) Day. and we put a cap on the amount we can spend on junk food supplies in a month. we even have a fund for it. cool eh?

save money people. it's always good to start saving. i really wished i'd started saving money much earlier. imagine if i had started saving just $100 a month from the time i started teaching tuition...i would have had about $9000 by now!!! woah...

so start saving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bring your own lunch day sounds divine babe! make bento box! uber fun :)