Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy (Belated) Birthday Singapore!

Can't fault me for being late. I was busy preparing the "birthday party".

Anyway, it's been quite an experience. Burnt numerous weekends, firefighting with people, trying to stay alive and sane while running from place to place. It's a tough couple of months, but I'm glad it's all over...well, not ALL over.

Still have the "post-party clean-up". sigh.

But I'm glad to have been part of this whole set-up. It's not easy. So much effort, hardwork, sleepless nights, sweat and blood went into making it all happen. You really can't appreciate the amount of things until you've gone through. And then, you truly understand what it is that makes us do this.


love for your country. pride when you see that flag fly past as you sing the national anthem. that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you sing all the national day songs and recite the pledge. i still get that tingly feeling, even though we did this every week for a good 2 months! in fact, it just grows on you more and more each time.

am i patriotic? i would like to think i am.

i hope to be involved again next year. of course, it wouldn't be as part of the official set-up, but i'll be quite satisfied going down every saturday for 2 months to help out in any way i can. no need for day-offs and whatever. i just want to be part of it!

because, i am a proud Singapore citizen.

Happy 43rd Birthday Singapore!

May our Spirit shine!

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