Thursday, January 12, 2012


I like reading blogs. I read a few blogs..some famous, some not-so-famous...or should I use the word "popular"?...and some are friends' blogs, or introduced by friends via their blogs. You get the drift.

I read them rather regularly and if I missed out on a whole load, I'd continue from where I stopped. I rarely comment just because I am too lazy to. I mean, I am even too lazy to blog.

That said, I've recently (like, today) been introduced to this blog, A Blog About Love, by my college friend Zhing, who is a lovely and AWESOME PAWSOME blogger herself. And I have not been able to stop.

I mean, I've literally been reading the whole day...from the first post to...well, I'm still mid-way through her blog posts. So much for work huh? Oh yes, did I say I started work already? It's been 8 weeks, although out of which I was on leave for 2 weeks. What can I say? I plan my holidays waaaaaay in advance. That should ALWAYS be the way to holiday.

Oh yes, so back to the blog. I won't say too much about it, and leave you (whoever you are) to read it for yourself. I just wanted to say how inspiring they are, as a couple, and how I totally get what they are writing about/saying. After all, I am living it - being happy with myself, the way I am and who I am as a person. I love their energy for life and the energy they emit. It's exactly what I hope I have been doing in the last 2 years, and what I hope my friends will all have.

Sending love and happiness to all!

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