Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gong Xi Gong Xi!

So, Chinese New Year is just round the corner. Like really, just after this weekend. To me, weekends are like corners. You go right around it and before you know it, it's over. And you can't really see what is beyond the corner, till after it.

Okay, enough about corners.

So yes, Chinese New Year, or otherwise known as Lunar New Year. It's the Year of the Dragon. I don't really buy into the whole horoscope thing but a lot of people do. My mum, for example, buys into it hook, line and sinker. Don't get me started on her fengshui stuff.

The reason I don't buy into it, is because I do not believe in luck.

I believe that I am blessed.

Erm...okay, not about to go on a long post about this.

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year. It's a good time to meet up with relatives, friends and enjoy the food and snacks. If you do get angbaos, good for you. If you don't, eat more food. If you are giving ang baos, be a cheerful giver.

Happy Dragon Year! :)


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يارا said...
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