Thursday, June 04, 2009

It WILL happen!

recently, i've been walking by faith...a lot more than usual.

Anyway, I've done the deed...shall just wait for it to happen. Amen!

I want it so bad!! So if I want it, and I ask for it, I will get it. There! I said it! I'LL GET IT!!!

Anyway, much has happened since I last updated coherently. Well, a lot, besides the promotion, which IS A BIG DEAL. For one, I have officially kicked my younger sis out of her room and claimed it as my own.

(She has her own HOME now la...)

So my mum efficiently removed whatever is left that belongs to her, and transferred about 80% of my things to the-room-formerly-not-mine-but-is-now-known-to-be-mine. Well, she tried to do it as logically as possible, but in actual fact, my things are kinda all over the place. I mean, the shoes are at the same place, the bags are in the same area, the clothes are in the wardrobe and all...but it's not organised, if you know what i mean.

argh...i can't be bothered for now. i'm quite pleased with how neat and clean everything looks now (coz things that aren't sorted out are simply dumped in 1 of the drawers or cupboards...out of sight, out of mind). it's so nice...

oh, and i took over the queen-size bed while my mum took over the 2 twin-beds. heh heh...coz i'm a brat and i refuse to take 2 beds (i offered to take in 1!!!), but there isn't anywhere to store the extra bed and my mum didn't wanna throw it out or sell it. so she gave me the master bed. and she gave quite a funny reasoning for it.

so yes! i get the nice big bed. all for myself! it took a bit of getting used to coz i don't usually roll around (or move much...or at all sometimes) when i sleep. but i'm coming into it and i really enjoy it.

another thing, i don't have a TV in my room. i think i've decided that i will not make the mistake of putting a TV in my room. first, i alienate my family (as if having my own room now is not anti-social enough). second, it keeps me awake when i actually thought it will make me sleepy. three, it brings an active energy into the room instead of a restful, peaceful one.

so no tv is good. i don't believe i said it, but i said it. NO TV IS GOOD. it makes me feel sleepy the minute i lie on the bed. and i'm sleeping earlier too! great!

*yawn* the bed calls out to me...come and lie in my comforting, warm, BIG embrace~~~

good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearie, i am so glad that u have so much faith in the lord. i wanted to share this message with you, i carry it around me all the time and read it to feel better when i am feeling so lost nowadays.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, plans to give you hope and a future."