Thursday, February 19, 2009

sound the trumpets!

this is a rather busy week...both work-wise and socially.

(ya...bullshit. busy still can blog!)

so anyway, i just realised that i have not done any shopping (less necessities like toiletries and such) since...since i came back from japan. which is since 2009 began. discount the CNY clothes which is kind of a bo-pian situation, i really haven't shopped at all. no new shoes since japan. no new bags since...well, since hong kong. no crap too.

i've been buying books.

okay, and maybe the occasional gossip (crappy) magazines.

and taxi rides...which have reduced significantly since my dad just started driving a cab. ( cab rides to work every morning!!!) all that boils down to one question...


-scratch head- i think...a bulk of it went to family, then another bulk went to credit card bills, and the last bulk consists of all my insurance, mobile phone bills, etc, etc.

luckily, there's the gst credits to look forward to. and my bonuses next month (i think), and then will drop from the sky and land in my pockets.

(to the tunes of the Everly Brothers)
dream...dream dream dream...
dream...dream dream dream...


It's P.A.R.T.Y time~~!!

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