Thursday, February 26, 2009


i wonder if there will ever come a day when i decide to erase my past. as in, my older posts.

i'd much rather have each blog post like a weekly column. you see it once, and then you toss it one side and wait for the next one.

i think i have a bit of a 'writer' streak in me.

but let's wait till i have so much free time in the world and perhaps i will.

so anyway, march is just 3 days away. how do you count 3 days? tomorrow is 1. sat is 2. then sun is march already. if you include today, that's 2.5 days. technically, it's not yet 12 noon so round up, i still get 3 days.

but yes, march is coming soon. so fast loh. 2 months in a year has gone by. we are a sixth into 2009. before you know it, it'll be the middle of the year, then i'll turn twenty-*ahem*something, and then it'll be christmas again, and then 2010.

aiyah, i'm cramping la. don't ask me...i don't know what's the connection.

but anyway, this year seems like a huge year. not so much for me, but loads of people are getting married, moving out, moving in, getting jobs, changing jobs, etc etc...

me? i wanna grow my hair out again. and clear more of my wardrobe and shoes (so i can buy new ones).


anyway, since i'm already going into unknown territory with my post, let me just add that louis boy has been really naughty these couple of weeks. he keeps marking his territory (aka pissing on sofa, cushions, walls) around the house. my poor mum has to keep cleaning after him. and i have to watch his every move. then when i spray doggie perfume on him, he gets angry with me and rolls around the sofa covers to get rid of the nice scent. i know he doesn't like it coz it musks his own smelly smell, but louis, YOU STINK!

wait till i hose you down tonight, you shtinky-poo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello love!
how are you doing? wrote you an e-mail but have yet to hear from you. hope that all is well with u dearie. do keep me posted about your life yah? miss u loads.