Monday, January 12, 2009

2009 sounds great!

Ok...i'm almost 2 weeks late with my new year wishes, and it's my first post in 2009.

Happy 2009 everyone!

I think I probably had one of the best (if not, THE BEST) christmas and new year celebrations ever. Well, the reclusive one (me) doesn't like big celebrations much. I do enjoy the occasional small house parties and gatherings and get-togethers, but I'm never one to go all out and party the night away. Especially for christmas and new year. So in a way, it was good to have been out of town.

Slight anti-social, I admit. My apologies then, if I had not replied your sms wishes and/or calls. I did not want to chalk up a huge bill you see.

And as for my absence online...I blame it on the lazy bones.

Good news is....

-wait for it-




I've finally attained my goal-weight of 40 (though I think it had hit 41), and I can finally not be ashamed...maybe not ashamed...more like avoid the "HUH?", "WHAT?!?", "you mean you are...!?!" comments.

Ok, so 40 isn't a big deal for most (still skinny lah!), but for me it is. i mean, i've been stuck at the high-30s, severely underweight, super low BMI category for so 10 years. It's good to know I REALLY don't have worms in my system.

Ok, after such a long break, the work momentum is slowly creeping up. Very slowly. I still feel lethargic at work. And I can't wait for the weekends, most of the time.

Louis, on the other had, is much more well-behaved. Still hyper, and still a bit crazy at time, but I think he is slowly maturing. I just bought a whole lot of treats and food for him. They will be delivered (yes...delivered) to my home tonight.

Such a lucky kid.

I am good. Happy and healthily gaining weight. I've been also pampering myself a bit, which is always a good way to make myself happy.

I think 2009 will be a good year. A year of change, but positive change.

And maybe, I will infuse some positive changes in my life too. Why not? =)

1 comment:

XieShun said...

nice to u've gained weight! i've gain weight too!! n i wan more!! cos still skinny... for a boy becoming man. hahaha.

all de best in 2009!!!