Thursday, January 29, 2009

welcoming changes

someone told me that this would be a year of changes.

yeah...i feel it too.

and generally, it feels like it would be a year of GOOD changes, not just any ol' change. (of course, the term "ol' change" is slightly oxy-moronic. "new change" is just being excessive.)

but yes, good changes. i don't know what it is yet. i don't know how it's gonna happen . i don't even know when it will happen. ("it" being a purely generic idea)

but when it does, i shall be ready to accept it with open arms.

we all need to welcome change, embrace change, because change is the only constant in life.

i sound so cliche that i wanna puke my guts out. haha

the thing is, change usually comes with a few considerations. you need to think through these, and maybe mitigate them before you can decide 'yes, this is the way to go'. and this part of the process is usually the time-consuming one.

there are the considerations for self and the considerations for others. both may be mutually exclusive, or in the worst possible scenario, both may be counteracting off each other. most of the time.

well, if i had my way, things would be much quicker. CHANGE would come much quicker. of course, this would be selfish. i would need to cut off all social stems in order to implement whatever changes i had in mind. wouldn't need to think about him or her, this or that.

so, time will tell if this year would indeed be a year of GOOD changes (are there bad ones?).

we'll see...we'll see.


on a separate note, happy lunar NIUUUUU year!!!

took the day off yesterday ( day offs are getting more frequent). took my own sweet time to get to town, borders specifically. i got a book on great speeches that CHANGED the world. moved from cedele at wheelock to coffee bean at HV. i started on the book. so far, so interesting.

i do enjoy spending some alone time, doing simple things like reading at a cafe, having a cuppa. i'm not sure if i can do this day in and day out, but i sure can get used to it. =)

we'll see...we'll see.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

quick one

dammit! i left my mobile phone at home again...for the umpteenth time!

grrr...have to go back home and get my phone during lunch. fortunately, i don't stay that far away from work.

but grrr...must take cab. waste money. grrr...

this week is gonna be quite happening for me, and partly course it's almost CNY.

did some priming and prissing up yesterday since i took the day off. day before, i bought my CNY clothes (and more...oops!)

today, got to collect my pre-ordered bak kwa.

tomorrow, there's MS reunion dinner. ooh, haven't seen laoshi, tommy and the rest in a while. that should be good! it's jumbo again! wahahaha...BUT! i just did my nails!!! need to find someone to peel prawns or extract crab meat from me. *flutter eye-lashes*

friday i have dinner with melvin who will pass me my super belated birthday pressie. oh yeah!

sat and sun is probably a lot of last minute cleaning up, stashing the clutter and dirt and dust away, and maybe mahjong??? heh heh heh

then we have our family reunion dinner, and it's CNY!!!!

i usually don't gain weight much during CNY cause i eat about as much as i usually eat anyway. no...contrary to the rest, i don't stuff my face with food during CNY only. i stuff my face almost whenever i can.

hence, my recent weight-gain.

ok la. as long as i still HAVE a waist, don't have a thunderous thigh or flabby arms and my skin is still generally not clogged up by too much cholesterol, i should be fine lah.

i should be so thankful. =)

still, better watch my weight. i need to do some toning-up.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


you know it's been dragging way too long when the shit finally hits the fan.

it's about time la.

i should make a little excursion soon.


Monday, January 12, 2009

2009 sounds great!

Ok...i'm almost 2 weeks late with my new year wishes, and it's my first post in 2009.

Happy 2009 everyone!

I think I probably had one of the best (if not, THE BEST) christmas and new year celebrations ever. Well, the reclusive one (me) doesn't like big celebrations much. I do enjoy the occasional small house parties and gatherings and get-togethers, but I'm never one to go all out and party the night away. Especially for christmas and new year. So in a way, it was good to have been out of town.

Slight anti-social, I admit. My apologies then, if I had not replied your sms wishes and/or calls. I did not want to chalk up a huge bill you see.

And as for my absence online...I blame it on the lazy bones.

Good news is....

-wait for it-




I've finally attained my goal-weight of 40 (though I think it had hit 41), and I can finally not be ashamed...maybe not ashamed...more like avoid the "HUH?", "WHAT?!?", "you mean you are...!?!" comments.

Ok, so 40 isn't a big deal for most (still skinny lah!), but for me it is. i mean, i've been stuck at the high-30s, severely underweight, super low BMI category for so 10 years. It's good to know I REALLY don't have worms in my system.

Ok, after such a long break, the work momentum is slowly creeping up. Very slowly. I still feel lethargic at work. And I can't wait for the weekends, most of the time.

Louis, on the other had, is much more well-behaved. Still hyper, and still a bit crazy at time, but I think he is slowly maturing. I just bought a whole lot of treats and food for him. They will be delivered (yes...delivered) to my home tonight.

Such a lucky kid.

I am good. Happy and healthily gaining weight. I've been also pampering myself a bit, which is always a good way to make myself happy.

I think 2009 will be a good year. A year of change, but positive change.

And maybe, I will infuse some positive changes in my life too. Why not? =)