Tuesday, November 11, 2008

xmas and fabulousness

i can't wait for xmas.

it's my favourite holiday, me reckon.

i love buying presents and wrapping them, and giving them...more than i like receiving them. though i must qualify that i do LOVE receiving presents.

the more the merrier i say.

anyway, i've been thinking of xmas a lot these days. starting to plan my xmas parties and stuff. next thing, i'll be drawing up my xmas list.

no no...not presents for myself. presents for people. i used to go ALL out getting presents for EVERYBODY, but i've cut back a bit. still, i spent a good sum last year buying presents for people. so that's what it feels like to actually use a substantial sum of your bonus buying stuff without a care.

it did hurt the pocket a little after i did my calculations.

still...i love it.

and if anyone is intending to be extravagent with me this year, i'm eyeing a turqoise balenciaga bag.

there! i said it!

haha...i'm swearing off fabulous bags for a while. i think i never did recovered from the miu miu splash. =X

no wait! that's cause i had to spend in melbourne (first).

anyway, never say never.

coz i'm going hongkong with my mum.

for the uninitiated...it was SHE who "guided" me to the miu miu.

i blame her for that. *wink*

p/s: thanks for all the birthday wishes and presents. once again, you all have done me proud by NOT getting a single birthday cake without me prompting!!! well done people!!! =) thankew~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow babe., when u heading to hong kong? have a great time. yah christmas is coming and it's my fav time too.

hugs and kisses. love much.

p.s. my new job really sucks (bleah)