Thursday, February 15, 2007

Welcome back Shirley!!!!

SHIRLEY RABBIT IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And i bet xiao tu is also back to haunt us...hahaha. But in any case, WELCOME BACK DEAR!!!! me missed u soooooo much!!! we shall meet soon during my looooooooooooooooong CNY break! woosh!!!

so, did everyone have a nice valentine's day?

i didn't really celebrate v-day cause i was at work, but i did have a nice dinner at MC and advanced v-day pressie. those are damn nice Royce chocs lah! diya first introduced them to me during one bleak recording period...hahahaha....and i fell in love with them. so yes...happy happy happy....thanks darling!

i am really looking forward to the break. intended to go BKK but it's pretty steep now and i have no company. must think carefully if i can afford it without breaking my bank. in any case, i can always slack, go shopping, manicure, meet friends and...find things to do? oh man!'s CNY soon. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!! GONG XI FA CAI!!!!

1 comment:

missmisto said...

dearie do give shir all my love when u meet her ok? miss her loads too. but my sched is so tight till end feb.. :(
anyway dear glad u are enjoying the chocs! do take care and have a happy happy CNY! luv.