Friday, April 30, 2010


a lot apparently.

and i don't even just mean in my life, although that has been a major bulk of 'excitement' - some nice, some not nice.

drama mama...

on the 'job' front, it has been quite nice. i'm getting the hang of it and it is only gonna get harder. it's only the 3rd week and already, more drama. managing different personalities and playing the mediator while really trying to help the kids. argh! looooong story.

on the 'other' front, things are moving. the countdown has not begun, but the info-gathering and administration is sooooo on the way. dates are almost firmed up. ALMOST.

on the home front, more stuff. but ah...too personal so :X let's just say i have been travelling to-and-fro a lot and surprisingly, i think the family has been coming together a lot more and that's something we never really did. at least we hadn't done it for a while.

so yeah. life's been like that. God's favour has and will see me through everything. And in all things, I have Jesus!

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